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  • MPEC 2016-N13 : COMET P/2009 K1 = 2016 M2 (Gibbs)

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    M.P.E.C. 2016-N13                                Issued 2016 July 3, 15:36 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
        on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
                URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714
                           COMET P/2009 K1 = 2016 M2 (Gibbs)
        PK16M020 1C2016 06 29.35100 09 55 33.34 +13 13 57.5                vEN013Q62
        PK16M020 1C2016 06 29.35428 09 55 33.96 +13 13 54.8                vEN013Q62
        PK16M020 1C2016 06 29.35756 09 55 34.58 +13 13 52.0          17.8 TvEN013Q62
        PK16M020 1C2016 07 03.34782 10 08 12.23 +12 20 15.6                vEN013Q62
        PK16M020 1C2016 07 03.34954 10 08 12.53 +12 20 13.8          18.0 TvEN013Q62
        PK16M020 1C2016 07 03.36078 10 08 14.66 +12 20 04.3                vEN013Q62
        PK16M020 1C2016 07 03.36426 10 08 15.34 +12 20 01.2          17.8 TvEN013Q62
    Observer details:
    Q62 iTelescope Observatory, Siding Spring.  Observer H. Sato.  0.51-m f/6.8
        astrograph + CCD + f/4.5 focal reducer.
    Orbital elements:
        P/2009 K1 (Gibbs)
    Epoch 2009 June 18.0 TT = JDT 2455000.5
    T 2009 June 25.91769 TT                                 MPCW
    q   1.3229384            (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.14008498     Peri.   27.06532     -0.94025305     +0.34024458
    a   3.6717660      Node   172.79225     -0.32769420     -0.89432234
    e   0.6396997      Incl.    5.74659     -0.09241600     -0.29055323
    P   7.04
    From 117 observations 2009 Apr. 24-2016 July 3, mean residual 0".5.
        P/2009 K1 (Gibbs)
    Epoch 2016 July 31.0 TT = JDT 2457600.5
    T 2016 July 24.18589 TT                                 MPCW
    q   1.3397446            (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.13894978     Peri.   27.43351     -0.93817532     +0.34593128
    a   3.6917374      Node   172.77091     -0.33310726     -0.89230374
    e   0.6370964      Incl.    5.74392     -0.09416270     -0.29004410
    P   7.09
    From 117 observations 2009 Apr. 24-2016 July 3, mean residual 0".5.
        P/2009 K1 (Gibbs)
    Epoch 2023 Sept. 13.0 TT = JDT 2460200.5
    T 2023 Aug. 30.94504 TT                                 MPCW
    q   1.3482788            (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.13843578     Peri.   27.46035     -0.93830145     +0.34558687
    a   3.7008699      Node   172.72295     -0.33277853     -0.89236273
    e   0.6356860      Incl.    5.73321     -0.09406830     -0.29027312
    P   7.12
    From 117 observations 2009 Apr. 24-2016 July 3, mean residual 0".5.
        P/2009 K1 (Gibbs)
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase   m1    m2
    2016 06 03    08 36 28.0 +17 36 54   1.8058  1.4678    54.3    34.2  20.0
    2016 06 18    09 20 28.2 +15 26 54   1.8085  1.4060    50.7    34.0  19.8
    2016 06 26    09 45 03.8 +13 56 13   1.8100  1.3805    49.2    33.9  19.7
    2016 07 02    10 03 55.4 +12 38 42   1.8120  1.3652    48.3    33.8  19.6
    2016 07 03    10 07 05.9 +12 25 01   1.8125  1.3630    48.1    33.7  19.6
    2016 07 04    10 10 16.8 +12 11 08   1.8130  1.3609    48.0    33.7  19.6
    2016 07 10    10 29 31.8 +10 43 26   1.8168  1.3503    47.2    33.5  19.6
    2016 07 18    10 55 32.3 +08 36 00   1.8249  1.3418    46.3    33.2  19.6
    2016 08 02    11 44 59.5 +04 11 46   1.8532  1.3438    45.0    32.3  19.6
    Gareth V. Williams           (C) Copyright 2016 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2016-N13

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