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  • MPEC 2014-L12 : P/2003 U3 = 2014 L1 (NEAT)

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    M.P.E.C. 2014-L12                                Issued 2014 June 2, 19:22 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
                URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714
                              P/2003 U3 = 2014 L1 (NEAT)
        PK14L010 KC2014 06 01.16958 22 07 01.89 -17 31 55.9          19.7 NtEL012J04
        PK14L010 KC2014 06 01.17711 22 07 02.26 -17 31 53.9          19.4 NtEL012J04
        PK14L010 KC2014 06 01.18466 22 07 02.68 -17 31 51.6          19.7 NtEL012J04
        PK14L010 KC2014 06 02.15897 22 07 53.40 -17 27 24.3          19.9 NtEL012J04
        PK14L010 KC2014 06 02.17062 22 07 54.05 -17 27 21.4          19.9 NtEL012J04
        PK14L010 KC2014 06 02.17852 22 07 54.42 -17 27 19.0          19.4 NtEL012J04
    Observer details:
    J04 ESA Optical Ground Station, Tenerife.  Observer P. Ruiz.  Measurers
        E. Schwab, D. Koschny, M. Micheli, A. Knoefel, M. Busch.  1.0-m f/4.4
        reflector + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
        P/2003 U3 = 2014 L1 (NEAT)
    Epoch 2003 May 1.0 TT = JDT 2452760.5
    T 2003 Apr. 23.11725 TT                                 MPC
    q   2.4960348            (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.08602837     Peri.  356.27149     +0.96437686     +0.26337327
    a   5.0820810      Node   348.36792     -0.23941992     +0.82924048
    e   0.5088558      Incl.    7.04650     -0.11249612     +0.49294497
    P  11.5
    From 124 observations 2003 Oct. 17-2014 June 2, mean residual 0".6.
        P/2003 U3 = 2014 L1 (NEAT)
    Epoch 2014 Oct. 30.0 TT = JDT 2456960.5
    T 2014 Oct. 13.58461 TT                                 MPC
    q   2.4877604            (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.08644182     Peri.  357.01502     +0.96617067     +0.25665890
    a   5.0658630      Node   348.02137     -0.23402442     +0.83124563
    e   0.5089168      Incl.    7.00373     -0.10838268     +0.49310943
    P  11.4
    From 124 observations 2003 Oct. 17-2014 June 2, mean residual 0".6.
        P/2003 U3 = 2014 L1 (NEAT)
    Epoch 2026 Feb. 9.0 TT = JDT 2461080.5
    T 2026 Feb. 19.95376 TT                                 MPC
    q   2.4683173            (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.08716399     Peri.  357.07441     +0.96592577     +0.25755105
    a   5.0378433      Node   347.90786     -0.23491304     +0.83090720
    e   0.5100448      Incl.    7.01671     -0.10864289     +0.49321463
    P  11.3
    From 124 observations 2003 Oct. 17-2014 June 2, mean residual 0".6.
        P/2003 U3 = 2014 L1 (NEAT)
    Epoch 2014 May 23.0 TT = JDT 2456800.5
    T 2014 Oct. 13.59518 TT                                 MPC
    q   2.4877367            (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.08641085     Peri.  357.01790     +0.96618930     +0.25658914
    a   5.0670735      Node   348.02265     -0.23396305     +0.83126557
    e   0.5090388      Incl.    7.00340     -0.10834910     +0.49311212
    P  11.4
    From 124 observations 2003 Oct. 17-2014 June 2, mean residual 0".6.
        P/2003 U3 (NEAT)
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase   m1    m2
    2014 05 03    21 35 34.3 -20 05 18   2.7260  2.7832    82.7    21.1  20.1
    2014 05 18    21 53 07.1 -18 42 21   2.4936  2.7353    92.7    21.7  19.9
    2014 05 26    22 01 19.8 -18 01 20   2.3723  2.7112    98.3    21.7  19.7
    2014 06 01    22 06 52.8 -17 32 40   2.2832  2.6937   102.7    21.5  19.6
    2014 06 02    22 07 45.0 -17 28 05   2.2686  2.6908   103.4    21.5  19.6
    2014 06 03    22 08 36.3 -17 23 34   2.2540  2.6880   104.1    21.5  19.6
    2014 06 09    22 13 22.7 -16 57 48   2.1679  2.6713   108.6    21.1  19.4
    2014 06 17    22 18 44.9 -16 27 20   2.0576  2.6500   114.8    20.4  19.3
    2014 07 02    22 25 20.7 -15 44 09   1.8683  2.6130   127.3    18.0  19.0
    Gareth V. Williams           (C) Copyright 2014 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2014-L12

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